Thursday, November 29, 2012

Candy Cane 4 Hunt


Starting Dec 1 and running through Dec 24th, the 4th annual Candy Cane Hunt kicks off at Kastle Rock Couture and ends at the 2nd Annual Candy Cane fair. The candy Cane Hunt requires a male and female or unisex item at every stop so grab your guy and enjoy everyone's favorite festival of stripes!

In addition, this year we have a petite path featuring gifts for several brands of small mesh avatars, oncluding Petites, Immortals, Minikins and more. This path kicks off at Kastle Enchanted.

Click HERE to go to the hunt blog and get started! Lots of prize previews, too. This is a FREE hunt

Click "Read More" to see all gift pics

Womenstuff Hunt


November Gift
If you havent grabbed the November gift for the 2 month long Womenstuff Hunt, the item is still hidden in the store in a red mesh tshirt with the hint "These 60L sales really light up my second life".

The hunt will run through December as well with a new holiday version of the His Shirt in a limited edition candy cane style. This item is hidden in a pink mesh tshirt with the hint available just outside the front door.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Where's the Concert Hunt

Collecting every gift in this hunt will get you a ticket to an exclusive concert featuring mankind Tracer, the famous SL performer. Some big names in this hunt so might be worth your time! As for us, we have another exclusive version if the very popular "His Shirt" in a striking Island Teal. Look for the backstage pass near the display of next week's sales.

Hunt is over

Friday, November 2, 2012

Kastle Enchanted Grand Opening

Event is over

Sim Wide Gem Hunt
-All items will fit only official petites with the mesh made by Yabusaka Loon
-All items are for females
-All items are $1L each

-Nothing is inside a building, behind buildings, or on top of buildings.
-Nothing is hidden over the head of the average sized biggie avatar
-None of the items are inside Kastle Rock

There are 12 purple gems hidden, much like the one on top of the box. Good Luck!